
To decouple the actual sending of the e-mails from the application logic and therefore make django-campaign more scaleable version 0.2 introduces a concept of backends which encapsulate the whole process of sending the e-mails.

Writing your own Backend

Backends for django-campaign must adhere to the following API. Some of the methods are mandatory and some are optional, especially if you inherit from the base backend.

The basic structure of a backend is as follows:

from campaign.backends.base import BaseBackend

class ExampleBackend(BaseBackend):
    def __init__(self):
        # do some setup here, e.g. processing your own settings


backend = ExampleBackend()

If this code is stored in a file myproject/myapp/ then the setting to use this backend would be:

CAMPAIGN_BACKEND = 'myproject.myapp.example'

Each backend must define a backend variable, which should be an instance of the backend.

Backend Methods

The following methods must be implemented by every backend:

send_mail(self, email, fail_silently=False)

This method takes an instance of django.core.mail.EmailMessage as argument and is responsible for whatever is needed to send this email to the recipient.

The fail_silently argument specifies whether exceptions should bubble up or should be hidden from upper layers.